Second Life, often referred to by users as SL, is a Web 3D application
that is like a meta universe for virtual communities. It is
different to the traditional internet in that Second Life perfectly
simulates a three-dimensional environment using 3D animation
and avatars like in a multi-player game. Users are able to see,
feel and experience real interaction thanks to the realism of animation.
In May 2008, Second Life registered its 13 millionth citizen and it looks like its population will increase even further. In the meantime, Second Life has grown into a platform for all manner of social interaction. Besides offering chat rooms and games, many users use their time and talents to permanently create anything from new objects and buildings to businesses and services for the virtual world. Second Life has its own currency that can be changed into real currency which means that it forms part of the real-world economic cycle.
The substantial number of regular users and enormous potential for innovation
makes Second Life an ideal platform for all types of marketing
activity. True to its company motto, "marketing in computer-mediated
environments", Bokowsky + Laymann can help your company take its
first steps in its "second life". We were one of the first agencies in the
German-speaking world to offer professional advice, concept design
and project development for Second Life.
We can help your company to make a successfully start in its “second
life.” We normally begin by giving company employees an in-depth introduction
to the new medium and all its possibilities. After that, we will
propose an efficient tailor-made strategy enabling us to properly position
your company and its products in Second Life. We will fully explore
the potential of the unique conditions in a 3D environment and the forms
of communication and address specific to SL without losing sight of the
company’s (real-life) corporate identity. The creation of a virtual head
office as a basis for all company activity will also form an integral part
of the concept.

Virtual worlds represent our core business. We have been carrying out Second Life projects for three years now and are constantly expanding our portfolio with every new world that we believe will benefit our client. We can cover everything from concept planning to design and programming and offer these in-house as well. What's more, we can look back on ten successful years in online marketing, which have given us the necessary expertise.
We can also act as a sub-contractor in this segment for other agencies.
You will soon be able to ensure a successful start for you and your customers
in Second Life, without the need to develop your own resource
and knowledge base.