Software & Support Media now has a virtual home in Second Life, the IT Republic. Apart from providing information on its publications, Software & Support principally uses it to promote and inform about upcoming conferences.
A large convention centre was built on the IT Republic island equipped with ultra-modern Second Life conference technology enabling the inclusion of hi-tech inworld programs. There is a spacious 100-seat auditorium where Software & Support Media can hold conferences and discussions or even provide live coverage of conferences taking place in real life. This has been made possible by a technical infrastructure capable of perfectly reproducing presentations and videos in Second Life. Besides the auditorium, there are two stylish lounges that can accommodate smaller inworld workshops and meetings for up to ten people.
The piazza adjacent to the auditorium can not only be used for presentations by conference sponsors and media-partners but also for presentations by exhibitors. The Metaverse07 will be the first conference to be held on the IT Republic island. The island can be easily and quickly converted for other events.
Besides Metaverse07, the IT Republic island provides lots of other interesting information for the German-speaking IT industry. There is a gallery with a presentation of media published by Software & Support and the latest news about JAVA, PHP, .net in the form of news feeds. There are also two showrooms with the latest publications from the entwickler.press series of IT books. Here you can also download free e-books.

For the past twelve years, Software & Support Media has been one of the IT industry's most innovative publishing houses. Software & Support Media boasts a large range of IT-related magazines, books, and diverse conferences as well as one of the most important online services for information technology catering to IT experts in all areas. Besides well-known journals such as dot.net, Eclipse Magazine, Entwickler Magazine, Java Magazine and Linux Enterprise, the main focus is on IT conferences such as ApacheCon, BASTA!, Eclipse Forum, EKON, Enterprise Architektur Konferenz, International PHP conference, JAX, JAX Asia, W-JAX, Open Source Database Conference , SQLCON and the webinale. Software & Support Media specialises in the German-speaking and other European markets as well as the Indian and Asian market. It has offices in Frankfurt, Munich, Bangalore, Singapore and Jakarta. |

IT Republic: The Second Life SIM of Software & Support Media. |

Spacious: 100-seat auditorium. |

Always up-to-date: RSS-Feeds of all Software & Support Media publications. |

E-Books from entwickler-press: Free to download. |

Innovative conference technology: Optimum graphics for presentations and videos. |