The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute
representing the Federal Republic of Germany
internationally. Its functions include
promoting German language competence
abroad and developing and cultivating international
cultural cooperation. |
The project
Concept and implemetation of a presence in
Second Life. |
Last changed
Das Projekt endete am 28.07.2008. |
Rochford Garden Machinery Ltd.
Rochford Garden Machinery Ltd. is one of the
leading British garden machinery wholesalers.
The company's product range features all
brands that are relevant for the British garden
machinery market. Rochford even imports some
brands exclusively. |
The project
Online spare parts shop based on PlusParts |
Software & Support Media
One of the IT industry‘s most innovative publishing
houses. Organiser of leading specialised
conferences. |
The project
Creation of a Second Life presence equipped with conference technology. |
Weltbild Publishing Group
The Augsburg-based Weltbild Publishing
Group is an internationally operating media and mail-order corporation. Weltbild distributes media and media-based products and publishes books and magazines. Their 20 million customers above all value the company
brand, multichannel sales concept, carefully selected products and attractive offers. |
The project
Concept and realisation of a Second Life presence. |
Bavarian State Library
The Bavarian State Library is the central countrylibrary of the Freistaat Bayern. |
The project
The "BSB" is the central library of the Free
State of Bavaria, a state-run technical authority
for all issues relating to the Bavarian
librarianship and housing one of the largest
science libraries in the German-speaking
world. |